Akai s2000 resources
Note: These links are very old. Some effort has been made to locate the most recent version of the web sites but in many cases only the Way Back Machine archive remains.
KJ Moses – s2000 links and resources (most links broken)
AkaiDisk – AkaiDisk lets your PC read and write samples on Akai floppy disks
The Akai sampler list – lots of Akai links
akaitools – unix tools for writing akai smple disks
samplenet – SampleNet is the world’s first free sample search engine. There are thousands of CD-quality samples here for you to search and download.
S0 – SZero, Ground Zero for Akai Sounds
Millennium -Millennium is a program that allows communication with S2000 and S3000XL samplers over SCSI. (Note: now distributed by Chickensys )
Sonicspot – music software links
akai support – manuals and software for s2000
Os downloads inc. osmaker software