My colleague Reece Lamshed has already announced this on his Binary Blue Blog. However, never being one to miss a self promotion opportunity, I now announce that the Accessibility Wizard V1.0 is live.
The development of this tool also ran in parallel with a research project into the accessibility compliance of Australian TAFE college web sites. As you can probably imagine, Reece and myself have acquired a reasonable degree of expertise in this area. So if your needing some accessibility advice then feel free to contact one of us. If you’re not sure who to contact, well I specialise in the technical / implementation end of things and Reece covers more the policy and project development/management end.
In the meantime I am in the process of writing a short piece on using accessibility to improving search engine rankings. It is a good one to be aware of when your web designer tries to dismiss accessibility as something you don’t need to know about. Look out for it in a week or two.